
Poços da Ponte Teixeira


The pools at Teixeira bridge take the crystal clear waters of the stream of Landeira, which rises at the top of the Arada mountain, to create natural pools of all shapes and sizes. The Teixeira pool, just below the bridge (accessible through the watermill), the Gravuras (engravings) pool, further upstream (accessible by a small pedestrian path), the Strait and the Square pools (accessible from the river bed, 200 meters upstream of the Gravuras pool) were neatly framed into the granite massif over thousands of years. Designs evoking human and natural motifs were carved into the granite stone, revealing a surprising harmony between man and nature in contemporary culture. The pinkish ton of the granites, here softened by he force of the water, the green of the thriving vegetation, the blue from fresh water, and the ocher and grey watermills and bridges, come together in this place to form a frame of incomparable beauty.

Natural Patrimony

The stream of Landeira is a water line with a lot of natural wells and pools, places of natural biodiversity, where you can observe species of fish such as the barbel and the portuguese nase, and some dragonflies of which highlights the beautiful demoiselle indicating pure waters of mountain rivers. Butterflies, whose caterpillars feed on trees along the riparian gallery, are always spectacular, highlighting the camberwell beauty butterfly, the large tortoiseshell and the lesser purple emperor. Along the white waters, many species of macroinvertebrates thrive by taking advantage of highly oxygenated waters. Among these, the stonefly makes notice by its elegant lines and large body, indicating that we are in presence of a highly ecological status river. The riparian gallery is embraced by an oak forest where the squirrel and the great spotted woodpecker are present and, in the advanced online by the water prevail the willow and royal fern.

Historical Patrimony

A little downstream of Teixeira pool, over the stream of Landeira, is an alleged Roman-medieval bridge that belonged to the old Roman road between the city of Viseu (Vissaium) to Porto city (Cale), shortcutting by the Freita mountain top to avoid the complications of the steep valleys of Teixeira and Caima rivers. This road network over 2000 years old served for the rapid deployment of the Roman legions.

Species to Observe

Nymphalis antiopa


Santa Cruz da Trapa - Carvalhais

Technical information

  • Level of Dificulty Low
  • Type of Route Circular