
Gravuras de Trebilhadouro


The prints of Trebilhadouro integrate the so-called Atlantic rock art, characteristic of the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula region. Were printed between the neo-chalcolithic and the Bronze age, which comprises the period from the 4th to the 1st millennium B.C. The prints of Trebilhadouro are in a granite outcrop close to the ground, next to a small tributary of the Fuste stream, about 1 km from the village of Trebilhadouro. Recorded motifs include spirals (which have up to over 60 cm in diameter), dimples (numerous and across the surface), lines (at least four) and weapons (probably a stone ax). Comparing to the closest engravings sets, the composition is more complex here than in Outeiro dos Riscos, but similar to that found in the Forno dos Mouros (Moors furnace). As in other cases, its meaning remains unclear; the prints may be linked to the territory or have a mystical purpose.

Natural Patrimony

Green abounds on the slopes of Trebilhadouro mountain. Pine and eucalyptus trees dominate the surrounding vegetation and along the streams, the terraces divide small farmland. In the pine forest, the constant rattle of the great spotted woodpecker is often heard and dorset heath grows near the water lines, where we also can spot the purple-shot copper butterfly. The sparrowhawk sneaks nimbly among the tall trunks and bands of red-legged partridges find their choice of habitat in the open fields. In the distance, at the top of the mountain, with Freita mountain in sight, the granite outcrops abound, and on these towering monoliths grows the kerry lily and the rocky germander, coloring in shades of pink the austere granite.

Cultural Patrimony

The village of Trebilhadouro, classified as Aldeia de Portugal® (village of Portugal), is built in granite main taining the flavor of the portuguese rural house. Recently restored for rural tourism, the village is perfectly integrated in the forest and agricultural landscape of Trebilhadouro mountain.


Technical information

  • Level of Dificulty Medium
  • Type of Route Wavy
  • Access Pedestrian