
Miradouro de Teixeiró


The Teixeirô terrace allows us to contemplate a fantastic view over the mouth of the river Bestança. This river, considered one of the cleanest in Europe, is born near Portas do Montemuro (Montemuro doors), at an altitude of 1200 meters, crossing the fantastic valley fracture – an almost perfect tear on the landscape – lined up with oaks, meadows, watermills and centenarian paths. It is at Souto do Rio village that it joins the calm waters of the Douro. From this terrace we can also see Porto Antigo village, place with lots of history, a stopping point for centuries on the Douro banks and the bridge of Mosteirô that unites Porto Antigo, on one side, to Porto Manso village, just across the river. This landscape also stands out for its natural heritage, forests with plenty of species such as cork, pedunculate oak, the strawberry tree or the lote tree.


Porto Antigo, Cinfães

Technical information

  • Level of Dificulty Low