
Eiras da Lage


The village of Bustelo, also known as the Bustelo da Lage, earned this designation by the impressive slab of granite that has been used for centuries by the people of Bustelo as threshing floor. This space, like many others along the mountain range, is a community site, where many activities related to agriculture still take place, such as threshing of the maize. Here you can still see the corn stacks scattered through out the large slab, almost perfect cones constructed with corn stalks. In this place of great sun exposure, one can also find good examples of traditional architecture, as the traditional granaries or the characteristic haystacks of the Bestança valley.

Natural Patrimony

Around Bustelo village one can contemplate the beautiful landscapes of the Bestança valley. The fed marshes carved by man in the valley slopes, characteristic by the abundance of water and existing traditional structures, such as water flumes or the water pounds allowing the presence of several species of amphibians such as the fire salamander, the marbled newt, the common and the natterjack toads. From here one can also contemplate the landscape of the Montemuro mountains, with large granite rocks in all sorts of shapes and sizes being part of the landscape. Around here there are frequent several species of birds of prey such as the northern goshawk, the common buzzard, as well as several species of reptiles such as the montpellier snake or the ocellated lizard.

Cultural Patrimony

In the village of Bustelo, marked by granitic construction, we can see many great architectural valued structures such as granaries, traditional style houses, highlighting the church of Bustelo, facing the valley of Bestança. Next to this church there are two medieval period graves, one of which has got several carved inscriptions.



Technical information

  • Level of Dificulty Low
  • Type of Route Linear
  • Access Car/Pedestrian