
Penas do Diabo


The place of Penas do Diabo (devil rocks) or, “place of the rocks”, is located between the villages of Pinho and Pindelo dos Milagres, and is a valley with unique characteristics, with large boulders and granite walls flanking a small tributary ofVouga river. Here dominates the sub-tropical forest, with species such as bay laurel, strawberry tree, common holly, laurestine and the narrow-leaved mock privet to form a gallery of trees and evergreen shrubs. The steep walls that limit this curious shrine of evergreen forest get to reach more than 60 meters gap as a result of lowering originated by fluvial erosion. In the middle of the valley, the toughest granite blocks are those which continue rising in capricious tower blocks that can reach over 25 meters high, rising above the forest. The remaining rounded boulders, resulting from erosion and weathering form a chaos of blocks, displacing the water line between the giant stones that have accumulated.


Technical information

  • Level of Dificulty Low