
Ruínas da Ponte de Cabaços


With a horizontal tray, supported by arches, the bridge of Cabaços on the Paiva river was built in granite and has a medieval profile. Currently can only be observed part of the bridge, caused by the decline over the years and having been destroyed much of it in a flood during the 1960s. The bridge of Cabaços brands a romantic and mysterious charm at this point of the river.

Natural Patrimony

The Paiva river is characterized by its excellent conditions for biodiversity, presenting several rare and protected species of fauna and flora. You can highlight the beautiful river cruisers dragonfly and orange-spotted emerald dragonfly or the rare freshwater pearl mussel, which finds here the ideal conditions for its development. Like the discreet gold-stripped salamander or the natterjack toad. The flora here is rich, and there is a great diversity of species such as the knapweed or the endemic pedunculated anarrhinum.

Cultural Patrimony

In the Paiva river, in Reriz, there is a part of the river that belonged once to the abbots of Reriz where they fished abundant trouts and other fish. In this place, only with clerical authorization could the remaining in habitants fish. It was also in this spot of the Paiva that the abbots took their baths almost naked, far from the eyes of the population.


Technical information

  • Level of Dificulty Low
  • Type of Route Linear
  • Access Car/Pedestrian