Seated between the Gralheira’s mountain chain and Montemuro mountain, river Cabril outfall is the meeting point between the Tenente river and the Paiva river. The Paiva river, considered one of the cleanest in Europe, is born in the hills of Leomil, pouring in the Douro river, in the place of Castelo de Paiva. The Tenente river is born in the place of Sobreda in Montemuro mountain, pouring on the right bank of the Paiva. This site is an excellent recreational area, being a privileged place for the observation of nature. Due to the diversity of habitats and the natural dynamics of these rivers, this place is a biodiversity hotspot, with the precious contribute of riparian forest, rupicolous and aquatic ecosystems.
At river Cabril outfall is possible to contemplate a great diversity of fauna and flora, well preserved riparian galleries dominated by black alder, as well as the presence of zones of rapids and landward side areas that allow the development of a high biological diversity. For the flora, the natural dynamics of the Paiva river allows the presence of several species. Islands formed in summer and in winter are submerged accommodates a wide diversity of flora, as is the case of iberian hedge hyssop. Dependent on this dynamic momentum this is a plant endemic to the Iberian Peninsula which is characterized by occurring during full bed, blooming in summer in the margins, or even on islands in the middle of the river. Also dependent on this momentum, the lesser water-plantains is also a plant that can be seen in the summer. The pedunculated anarrhinum, present in slopes and rocky places, is a plant endemic to the region that can also be observed in the surrounding area of the Cabril’s mouth. The fauna here present is the otter, the iberian emerald lizard, the viperine water snake, and several species of birds such as the common kingfisher, the white-throated dipper, grey heron or the great cormorant. With a great connection to the river, the amphibians such as the green frog, the iberian frog, the common toad or the marbled newt, are also common. You can also observe several dragonflies, as the western spectre, the golden-ringed dragonfly, the keeled skimmer, or the river cruisers dragonfly, considered one of the rarest species in Europe, finds here the ideal habitat for the development of its larva, within locations with well developed riparian gallery and some water depth.