Legend says that in times of conflict between Christians and Muslims, a Moorish girl went to the village of Mazes. There, a group of boys prevented its passage and eventually kill her, emerging as the name of the village of Moura Morta (dead Moorish). Surrounded by lush meadows, this village of great beauty, dominated by granite, shows various structures of traditional architecture testifying centuries of human presence in these landscapes. As an example of this valuable heritage, we can see the watermills along the Vidoeiro river, the waterways, the granaries at the corral or the old bridge from Roman times. Walking the PR 4 –Trilho dos Lameiros (marsh trail), all this heritage can be observed.
Resulting of many centuries of coexistence between man and nature, the marshes of Moura Morta are important ecosystems with a huge biodiversity, resulting from the use of ancestors techniques of land management as file irrigation, which allows marshes to be soaked all year round, avoiding the harmful effects of the severe winter frosts felt here. This mosaic, which stretches along the banks of Vidoeiro river, involves a high floristic diversity, such as heath spotted-orchids and the great flower serapias, mountain arnica – known for its medicinal properties – the meadow scabious or the iberian paradise lily, mountain plants that can be observed here.
Ancient place of worship, the shrine of the Senhora da Ouvida is currently an important site of pilgrimage and Christian faith. This plateau has got the presence of several mounds, funeral monuments dating back to the late Bronze Age, the period between the fourteenth century and the ninth century B.C. which testify the importance of this place in the spirituality of the population over times. It is also said that in this plateau will occur the Judgement’s day.